Home Remedies

Misc Recipes…

Natural Ear infection

Tea tree oil {melaleuca} and olive oil mixed and warmed or garlic oil


Homemade Vapor Rub

¼ Cup Oil (Almond, Jojoba, or Olive)

1/8 tsp Eucalyptus Essential Oil

1/8 tsp Peppermint Essential Oil

1/8 tsp Thyme Essential Oil

Combine ingredients in a dark glass bottle and remember a little goes a long way. Shake well. Gently massage small amount onto chest and throat, use more as needed.


Laundry Soap

1/3 bar of grated Nels Naptha soap in 6 cups of water on the stove until dissolved then add 1/2 cup baking soda (for washing not sure if there is really a difference) 1/2 borax until dissolved then add it to 4 cups of hot water stir and add a gallon and 6 cups more of water. Let sit in container for 24 hrs before using. Sooooooo cheap and easy.

*Recipe from unknown sources.