Coffee · Drinks

Swiss Mocha Flavored Coffee Mix

Swiss Mocha Flavored Coffee Mix

1 cup instant coffee powder or crystals
1 cup white sugar
2 cups non-fat dry milk powder
4-6 teaspoons cocoa powder

Blend the coffee and dry milk together in a blender for about 30 seconds. Then mix with the sugar and cocoa. Use about 2 teaspoon of mix to 6-8 ounces of boiling water. Store the dry mix in an air tight plastic container.

*Recipe from unknown source. Found in my Grandparents kitchen.


Strawberry Delight/Orange or Strawberry Julius

Strawberry Delight

2 – 3oz packages of strawberry gelatin
2 cups of boiling water
1 – 7oz jar of marshmallow cream
1 – 21oz can of strawberry pie filling
1 – 8oz cool whip thawed
1 teaspoon almond extract – optional

Dissolve gelatin in boiling water & cool. Gradually add marshmallow cream to gelatin, mixing until blended. Chill until thickened, then whip until light and fluffy. Fold in pie filling and cool whip. Chill until firm. Garnish with additional cool whip if desired. Makes 8-10 servings.

Hint: can use cherry gelatin and pie filling, and use 1/2 teaspoon of almond extract if too strong. (We skipped it all together and we also added the large cool whip container instead of the 8oz container)


Orange or Strawberry Julius

½ c. of thawed O.J. or ½ cup thawed strawberries
½ c. milk
½ c. water
½ tsp. vanilla
6-8 ice cubes
2. Tbsp sugar

Blend until smooth and frothy!

*Recipes from unknown sources.

Drinks · Punch



From – My Great Aunt Char.

3 3 oz boxes of jello
4 c. boiling water
2 ½ cups of sugar
3 cups of pineapple juice
3 cups of matching juice
6 cups of water
Dissolve jello and boiling water together. Then add the rest of the ingredients and freeze! (Ice-cream buckets work well) ADD 3-4 quarts of 7-up or sprite before serving

*Recipe from unknown source.